The Best Types of Protein Post-Workout

The 5 Best Types of Protein to eat Post Workout

The mythical ‘45 minute window’ has been part of muscle-building folklore for decades. The magical period post-workout where your body is craving protein, and you need to feed it to grow!

Salmon - A great type of fish to eat post-workout

I think we all know now that this 45-minute window is generally a load of nonsense, but still, it is important to make sure you take in an adequate amount of protein post-workout to help repair damaged muscles and therefore help them grow.

With supplements of various brands loaded on the shelves of different supermarkets and online, companies presenting their innovative fitness equipment for their targeted audiences, one cannot ignore the importance of nutrition when it comes to attaining the optimum fitness goals – especially intake of protein after strenuous physical activity.

Workouts induce wear and tear in muscles that are important for newer and healthier muscle-generation processes in the body. However, if this process is not given the support of dietary protein; afterwards, the cells won't get enough nutrition to complete the process of repair and growth.

1: Eggs - Can be served in many different ways, and fast.

Eggs are of high biological value when it comes to amino acid availability. It means that eggs are loaded with essential and non-essential amino acids integral to the formation of healthy and big muscles

How many eggs should you eat daily?

It is safe to consume about 2-3 eggs daily with no risk of getting any side effects.

Many people are misguided that eggs elevate cholesterol levels in the body. However, Science suggests eggs contain HDL cholesterol, which is preventative against heart disease.

Eggs, if you can and want to eat them, should be a key part of your diet with regard to your fitness and training.

Nutrition information for Eggs

Eggs 100 g
155   calories    
26   percent    
373   mg   
3   percent    
5   percent    
Vitamin   D    
21   percent    

18 percent

2: Chicken - Breast or thigh is fine.

Chicken is considered among the safest meats to consume. Low in fat content, poultry doesn't come with any adverse effects on heart health. Also, the protein content is sufficient to build healthy muscles after a workout.

Nutrition information for Chicken

Chicken 100g   
239   calories    
54   percent    
29   percent    
6   percent    
Vitamin   B6    
20   percent    
7   percent    
5   percent    

It is recommended to take an ounce or two of chicken a day. However, it is suggested that you include vegetables to improve dietary fibre intake.

3: Fish - Lean and good for your skin too

Fish is among the healthiest white meats out there. Loaded with omega fatty acids, they reduce inflammation in the body, which can speed up the muscle recovery process while also improving amino acid uptake. Check out the picture above for one great way to eat Salmon.

Nutrition information for Fish (Salmon)

Atlantic Salmon Fillet Fish 154 g   
280   calories    
39.24   g    
Omega   fatty acids    
1.7   to 2.7 g    
Vitamin   B6    
30   percent    
53   percent    

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to consuming fish. It is, however, generally recommended you eat two ounces of fish at least once a week.

Some popular types of fish to eat post-workout

  • Salmon

  • Tilapia

  • Cod

  • Tuna

4: Tofu - The animal alternative

If you are vegan and are wondering how to get your protein needs fulfilled after a workout, then don’t worry as Tofu is here to rescue you! You can combine it in a number of salads and side dishes, and also combine it with main courses for dinner provided your workout timings are around that time.

Nutrition information for Tofu

Tofu 100 g
76   calories    
16   percent    
35   percent    
30   percent    
7   percent    
3   percent    

Generally, it is safe to consume Tofu every day provided you don't have a hormone-sensitive condition such as an Estrogen sensitive tumour in the breast.

For muscle repair post-workout, eating a tofu salad or a sandwich would be helpful.

5: Beans - High in fibre too

Unless you have a bean allergy or you just cannot stand the gas build-up after consuming beans, these are ideal for helping you gain muscles post-workout.

An ideal way to consume beans is to include them in a salad made of cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions, all chopped and diced about the size of kidney beans.

Nutrition information for beans (Kidney Beans)

Kidney beans 100 g
333   calories    
48   percent    
40   percent    
45   percent    
35   percent    
Vitamin   C    
7   percent    

A quarter a cup of beans a day is perfect for building muscles post-workout.

What Does Science have to Say About Protein Intake?

Your hours of exercise spent on training the ideal body of your dreams can go to waste if you do not create a positive nitrogen balance in your body. This positive balance is attained by only taking more protein than you would normally do.

Scientifically, taking somewhere between 0.8 grams to 1.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day is sufficient for gaining muscles.

Final Word on the best types of post-workout protein

Also, it is important to take care of your protein intake when you are building muscles as it will not only improve muscle building but also accelerate the muscle recovery process. We hope this article helped you gain insight into how proteins are important in workout regimes and which foods are the best for providing protein after your workout.

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Amna Asghar

Amna is a 25 years old freelance writer and an enthusiastic poet. She loves to write about health, fitness, and sports. According to her, knowing fitness is the key to better health. She is confident and keen to learn new things every day.


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