Tennis Blog
Top-class tennis content - Our Tennis Blog, within a Blog!
The Sporting Blog has a long history with tennis, both the normal kind and the ‘Real Tennis’ kind. We have all sorts of content on here about tennis, padel tennis, cardio tennis, you name it.
Tennis is one of the world’s most popular sports, and if you’d like to learn more about playing the actual game, we have plenty of contributors who have played and taken part in tennis at a high level. An intense individual sport, tennis has long captured the imagination with regard to the battle against oneself, as much as the opponent.
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“He wins 57% of points from his second serve. A higher percentage than anyone in the last 25 years”
“The tactical side of the game comes into play much earlier in your development compared to tennis or squash”
“It’s not just the big brands anymore”
“You can play anywhere with a sponge ball”
"The more often you have pushed the boundaries in practice, the easier it is to push that crucial bit harder and longer in matches."
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