Viv Anderson - Local Hero

Viv Anderson: European Cup winner and Nottingham Forest Legend talks ‘Local Heroes’

As a new film is released about 3 local lads from Nottingham who went on to win the English First Division and European cup under Brian Cloguh, one of those local lads, Viv Anderson, talks to The Sporitng Blog’s Oli Harris.

On today’s Podcast, Oli talks to Nottingham Forest Legend Viv Anderson

They discuss;

  • Meeting Brian Cloguh for the first time

  • Mr Clough’s tactics

  • Being Sir Alex Ferguson’s first signing

  • What Clough and Ferguson would make of today’s football

  • The Film ‘Local Heroes’ - available on Amazon, DVD and Blu-Ray now

Oli Harris

Oli is the Founder of The Sporting Blog, and enjoys writing about tennis, football, boxing and sports experiences. a partner at Dream Ventures, and was formally Chief Marketing Officer at Championship Horse Racing (Racing League) and DelAgua.

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