Tim Crow - Sports Marketing - What's changed, What works, and life outside the Premier League

On today’s Podcast we are joined by Tim Crow, a world leader in sports marketing

Tim Crow has been in the sports marketing game since the 1980s, and is still at the sharp end some 30 odd years later. Oli and Tim both love talking about sport, marketing and sponsorship, so sit back and relax as we take you through it all!

If you have any interest in sports marketing, sponsorship and that world, this is a must-listen.

On this week’s Podcast

  • Starting in cricket, moving into the agency world

  • Documentary making and sports marketing

  • Differences between the US and UK sports sponsorship

  • What’s changed in sports marketing over the years - where budgets are placed

  • Authenticity in the sports marketplace

  • Nostalgia marketing and looking back at things done well

  • Non-league football and ownership

  • Women in sport

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Oli Harris

Oli is the Founder of The Sporting Blog, and enjoys writing about tennis, football, boxing and sports experiences. a partner at Dream Ventures, and was formally Chief Marketing Officer at Championship Horse Racing (Racing League) and DelAgua.


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